Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Burning Pain.

Burning Pain
Misery And Tears
My Heart Torn By Broken Promises
Your Lies Echo Through My Mind
No Place To Run
No Place To Hide
I Try To Ignore My Pain
Daily My Tears Flow
My Beauty Marred
My Spirit Crushed
Your Anger
Your Criticism
Your Violence
I Can Do No Right
I Try To Please, To Make Things Acceptable
For You
To No Avail
How To End My Suffering
There Is No Respite
By You, My Deep Love Forgotten
There Are Others Who Fill Your Thoughts
Who Make You Smile
A Carousel Forever Turning
They Care Not, Self Is Paramount
All Egos Blazing
Hour After Endless Hour They Continue
Leaving Me Alone
Cornered, With Nowhere To Run
Only One Can End This
Your Refusal Burning Deep
Branding Me, Scarring My Psyche
I Pray To Sleep Eternally This Night
For Tomorrow Brings More Pain
And I Can Face No More Tomorrows
No Home To Succor Me
Who Will Care, Responsibility Is For
Those Who Accept It And Try To Make It Right
I Am Here, My Love Is Real, Tangible
Yours To Accept
Dont Shut Me Out
Dont Pus

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