Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Each Person Has A Different Path.

Each Person Has A Different Path To The Friends Neighborhood

We Exchanged Reason For Love
Everybody Is A Buyer Of A Different Good

The Mystics Design And Mark Is Distinct,
A Different Bazaar, A Different Shop

Its A Different Journey, A Distinct World
Its Different From This World And The Other World

Those On The Land Are Unaware Of Those In The Air
A Good From Ethiopia Is Different From One From Central Asia

One Who Is In The Sea Is Ignorant Of Some One Who Is In The Desert
Everybody Is The King Of His Own City

One Has Become Moses And Has Seen The Beloved On Mount Sinai
One, Like Jesus, Has Seen The Beloved While Crucified

One Has Seen In The Dark, Another In The Light
Each Person Has A Different Path To The Friends Neighborhood

One Becomes Like Soil, And Kisses The Threshold
Another Becomes Fervent Then Flutters

One, Like Mazun, Makes His Chest A Shield,
Seeking The Arrow Of Love

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