Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I became Maunun In The Desert Of Affliction/

I Became Majnun In The Desert Of Affliction
Whom Could I Tell About My Crazy Pain

My Heart Is Bleeding Because Of Separation From My Friend
I Cannot Confide In Any Foolish Person My Pain

That Nightingale Who Was Estranged From His Flower,
Is Continuously Lamenting Loneliness

Oh Zephyr, From Prisoners Tongue,
Tell The Gardener About My Pain

My Patience Has Reached Its Limits I Have No Peace
Time Of My Joy Has Passed I Have No Companion

There Is No Confidante For My Secrets
Let No Stranger Know Of My Pain

If A Compassionate Friend Is Known
Tells The Beloved Of My Pain With Fervor And Passion

Nightingales Eagerness For The Flower Garden Never Ends
Enthusiasm For Love Never Goes Out Of His Mind

Mazuns Complaints Never End By Telling
I Should Write My Pain As Narratives

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