Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Didnt Decide To Carry Load OF Sorrow.

I Didnt Decide To Carry The Load Of Sorrow,
Sorrow Existed, This House Of Sorrow Also Existed

I Didnt Lift The Jam-E Jam To Drink Wine,
Wine Existed, This House Of Wine Also Was There

It Is Said: He Who Created The House Of Love,
Let The Beloved Burn And The Lover Burnt

The Cruelty Of The Red Rose, And The Cry Of The Nightingale�
The Candle Existed, And This Moth Also Existed

Ones Pain Is Too Much, Anothers Little,
Ones Heart Is Afflicted, Anothers Smiles

Majnun Is Drunk From Love, And Layla Is Drunk From Coyness
The Mountain Existed And This Madman Also Existed

The Eyes Of Beauties Were Drunken And Murderous
Her Tongue Was Like Sugar, And Her Lips The Confectioner

The Suffering Boy And The Loving Girl Existed,
The Tyrant Father And Miser Mother Were Also There

That Teasing That Breaches Faith,
The Arrow Of Coy That Pierces The Soul,

It Was Not That Mazun Was Targeted Last Night,
The Arrow Was There And The Target Was There

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