Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Wander Lonely As A cloud.


I Wanderd Lonely As A Cloud

That Floats On High Oer Vales And Hills,

When All At Once I Saw A Crowd,

A Host, Of Golden Daffodils;

Beside The Lake, Beneath The Trees,

Fluttering And Dancing In The Breeze

Continuous As The Stars That Shine

And Twinkle On The Milky Way,

They Stretchd In Never-Ending Line

Along The Margin Of A Bay;

Ten Thousand Saw I At A Glance,

Tossing Their Heads In Sprightly Dance

The Waves Beside Them Danced, But They

Out-Did The Sparkling Waves In Glee;

A Poet Could Not But Be Gay,

In Such A Jocund Company:

I Gazed--And Gazed--But Little Thought

What Wealth The Show To Me Had Brought:

For Oft, When On My Couch I Lie

In Vacant Or In Pensive Mood,

They Flash Upon That Inward Eye

Which Is The Bliss Of Solitude;

And Then My Heart With Pleasure Fills,

And Dances With The Daffodils

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