Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In Those Moments Of Truthful Silence.

In Those Moments Of Truthful Silence
With Deepest Desires, Eyes Filled
Of Passion, Of Treading The World Hence
Life Seems Still, As Courage Is Instilled

Unlike An Obstacle, The Waves Really Charm
The Salty Breeze Seems So Hard To Resist
Will They Hug Me And Set My Mind At Calm
Or Will I Drift Away, Like The Sand From My Fist

Far Ahead, I See A Ship Set Sail
As The Birds Make A Ruckus, Much Like The Waves
From The Sea, Shall Be Born A Great Tale
Else The Road Lies Dark To Long Forgotten Graves

The Lonely Wave Grows Really Tall
My Thoughts They Are, My Life They Make
In Drenched Glory, I Yearn To See It All
Or Is This Just A Mirage For My Earthy Sake

The Ship Moves Afar As The Sun Sets To Sleep
In My Blindness, Do I See Nature Taunt
My Legs In The Sand, Are Down Pretty Deep
Will I Conquer The Calm Blue Sea, And Everything Beyond

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